How Savedroid Becomes so Special to Save Without Thinking

Savedroid AG - How Savedroid Becomes so Special to Save Without Thinking. Saving money does not feel like a cool thing to do, especially not for the young. This savedroid alters this by connecting saving actions with people's lifestyles. With corporate ICO, this approach is now extended to cryptocurrencies.

How To Buy Savedroid ICO
savedroid a cryptocurrencies for everyone
Many people know that it makes sense to get rid of money - in theory. Desire needs financing. But in real life, saving is pretty boring and difficult and has big drawbacks: setting aside money for big targets in the future prevents me from buying lots of small items immediately. Not good!
Then there is savedroid. Our approach to this problem has three important parts:
  • First, make it easy.
  • Second, make it automated, so people do not have to think about it every time they put money away.
  • Third, connect to events that users like (like or dislike) personally so saving becomes cool.
Savedroid's award-winning algorithm is based on a bit of "if-then-rules", called smooves. First, users set personal austerity targets, things they want to buy but can not afford right now. Then they define the events that trigger the austerity process. For example, you could say: "I want to save 5 euros every time I run as far as at least 3 kilometers". Because storage apps connect to your fitness tracker, notice them every time you jog. And since the storage application also connects to your bank account, it will transfer money to your savings account. Just like that, automatic and without you need to do anything.

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